I'd like to know when did and if this man protest? Did he wait until after all the pictures were taken, after all the food was eaten, after the event was well over after using the girl as a pretty piece of meat against what he knew would be her mother's wishes...or did he only protest after the mother registered her complaint? How long did he "keep quiet" to not incur the wrath of his wife's anger?
I don't think my dad protested. What you guys don't know is that my sister just finished raking my dad over the coals for three weeks because he agreed with a decision I made which prevented my daughter from going with my sister to the bride's shower (we had horrible weather, I demanded she come home from my ex's). So he was gunshy about upsetting her again. I cut him slack since his surgery 2 years ago he's different, he's much more emotional now and otherwise, I have no doubt that he would have objected, more loudly.
My mother, apparently, did get into quite a row with my sister at the reception. She didn't like my sister's attitude one bit. Unfortunately, she doesn't care for mine either. When I see my dad alone later this week it will be interesting to see what, if anything, he says about the event.
No answer from my ex on written demands that he cut off contact between my daughter and my sister. If he doesn't say anything by tomorrow, I'll be seeing him, and I'll hand him a copy of my letter, right to his face. As far as my ex protesting...HA! Never. He has cultivated very close relationships with my family since I've gone.
I'm so sorry so many here are hurting. Parents, children. There's no end to the damage to families this organization has done. And for what? What is so wrong with me that they have to treat me this way?
If I was a person who was using drugs, prostituting myself (as they claim all women who leave the org end up doing!!) or committing crimes, I could understand it. But I'm not. I'm a good mother, a good person, law abiding, all of that. But they don't judge me on my conduct. They only judge me based on the fact that I don't share their religious beliefs anymore. My husband's family cannot fathom this, as his immediate family isn't that religious (raised catholic, faded out) but they have multiple religions going through marriage and all, and they cannot imagine cutting off their relatives just because they believe differently.
And the world is supposed to be so cold, and unloving. Ha. My in laws don't even know about this yet...when they find out, they're going to be in orbit right along with us.